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Reflecting on E-Portfolio's & Leadership

Lauren W.

Over the past few semesters, I have developed this e-portfolio to highlight my professional work, writing abilities, and experiences as a student at ODU. I am finally satisfied with the progress and the aesthetic which accurately reflects my personality and interests.

The easiest part of setting up my portfolio was choosing the design. I wanted to use colors and fonts that were cohesive across the site while also looking professional. However, the most challenging aspect was finding a way to combine my professional work and my coursework. Since I use this as a career portfolio, I decided to showcase my academic work on the projects page because it gives a snapshot of my writing samples, both academically and professionally.

I feel that I am confident in my online presence because I focused on highlighting my strongest writing pieces and my work experiences. I also try to maintain professionalism on social media and have dedicated accounts for networking purposes. As our world develops into more of an online era, it is crucial to think about how we may be seen online by our peers, leaders, and colleagues.

When pondering about my own experiences with inspiring leaders, I immediately think about my current supervisor in my internship, Rebecca Anderson. I feel that she reflects the characteristics of a leader through her mentorship, patience, and positive constructive criticism. She builds up those around her by providing a safe space with a nonjudgemental approach and encourages open dialogue across her team. In the communications industry, these are important attributes that can take a leader far.

However, when a strong leader is not present in an organization, many experiences can be led astray. An example of events that were clearly disorganized, is some of the recent concerts that were oversold and caused injuries and fatalities. Although I did not attend these, I know many who did that described the events as disastrous. There were no crisis plans put in place for risks of crowd surges and many circumstances could have been prevented if leadership managed the event's risks in advance. I would have prepared a crisis communication plan, ensured enough security and medical personell was present, and hired a team to monitor ticket sales throughout the event and those entering the venue to prevent over-capacity. These are many simple ways to ensure an event goes smoothly and safely.

In conclusion, I will be adding more to my portfolio as I develop my capstone project and final coursework while wrapping up my final semester. I look forward to what these courses will bring me!


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